Wednesday, 27 May 2020


When popcorn pops 

This simple text will answer all your questions about popping corn, and more!!!

There are many types of corn species. To be precise, SIX. and out of those six the corn which you pop, and the corn which you eat in a barbecue and sweet corn you taste are completely different. The corn which pops, that we all know and love, has a harder shell than the others. This is called THE HULL. When you heat the seed of a popcorn, the water inside the hull, all turns into steam. When this happens, the hull acts much like a pressure cooker. The steem slowly piles up inside the hull. until, pop!!! The strong hull can't take the preure anymore and lets out all the steam. This is when the popcorn we all know and love pops out of the hull ready for us yummy eaters to eat.

Now, you might be thinking, what exactly IS the white thing that pops out of the hull? The white substance is called THE GERM. The germ is the part of the popcorn which would develop if it were planted. This is also where the food of the plant would go if it were to grow.

I sincerely hope that you learned a major part about popcorn, and that I answered all the many of your questions.                               

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