Friday, 24 April 2020


LEST WE FORGET. Lest we forget the souls, dearest to our heart who sacrificed themselves and perished in one of the greatest wars on earth. Blood shattered, hearts scattered. Let all the newest souls born on this burdenouse earth hear and celebrate the tragedious event. Not with happiness but with the greatest of honour and respect. In late April 1916, Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. fought in the fierce battle of Gallipoli. 2,779 New Zealand soldiers sadly died. Teach and pass on the value of the battle of Gallipoli fought by the Anzacs to all the newest generations. At this time of year in this unintentional and unfortunate lockdown, we can still remember and rejoice the victory of Anzac with honour by hanging a poppy by your window. And if you still want to give a bit more honour to those who lost their lives for the sake of their beloved country, you can stand for a small 1 hour this saturday 25th of april 2020. We remember this day not to celebrate the victory of Anzac but to celebrate the noble souls who were willing to die in the hands of war. NOHO ORA MAI.  

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