Thursday, 30 April 2020

term 2 week 3 math homework

Compare and contrast between chemical and physical change

With physical change the object changes form but Does not change identity.  But on the other hand, with chemical change the product changes completely and becomes something new. The similarity between chemical and physical change is that both of them undergo change. 

Studied on The Islamic festival RAMADAN.


Ramadan is a festival celebrated by people who follow Islam all over the world. Ramadan is celebrated for a time span of one month each year. The festival is celebrated to improve their overall self  and enhance their devotion and faith. It is also celebrated to give empathy to those who are less fortunate. Ramzan (as it is called in some countries) is celebrated practising fasting. No one is required to fast for an entire month. The practice of fasting during Ramadan means that Muslims may not eat or drink anything including water while the sun is shining. After the sun sets, the fast is broken with a meal called Iftar.

Friday, 24 April 2020

my maths homework


LEST WE FORGET. Lest we forget the souls, dearest to our heart who sacrificed themselves and perished in one of the greatest wars on earth. Blood shattered, hearts scattered. Let all the newest souls born on this burdenouse earth hear and celebrate the tragedious event. Not with happiness but with the greatest of honour and respect. In late April 1916, Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. fought in the fierce battle of Gallipoli. 2,779 New Zealand soldiers sadly died. Teach and pass on the value of the battle of Gallipoli fought by the Anzacs to all the newest generations. At this time of year in this unintentional and unfortunate lockdown, we can still remember and rejoice the victory of Anzac with honour by hanging a poppy by your window. And if you still want to give a bit more honour to those who lost their lives for the sake of their beloved country, you can stand for a small 1 hour this saturday 25th of april 2020. We remember this day not to celebrate the victory of Anzac but to celebrate the noble souls who were willing to die in the hands of war. NOHO ORA MAI.  

Thursday, 23 April 2020

My art drawing

My Inquiry homework

Inquiry - Chemical Change

 define these words:
Watch the video on ‘Kitchen Chemical Changes’ then answer the 3 questions on the next slide.
  1. Substance 
A substance is a physical matter or a thing that you can  sometimes hold or see.

A reaction is the effect of when something happens.

Reversible is when something is able to go back to its original state of form.

Not able to be transferred back to its original state or form. 

  1. What are 4 things that might happen when a substance undergoes chemical change? (1:27)
When a substance undergoes chemical change it might burn, melt, evapourate or change color.  

  1. What are the 5 pieces of evidence that baking a cake is a chemical change? (2:15 - 3:15)
When the cake is heated it produces carbon dioxide in the form of gas which makes the cake fluffy. The cake turns from yellow to brown.the smell of the cake changes. The change cant be undone.

  1. Can you think of another chemical change that happens in the kitchen? 
When salt and sugar meets contact with a form of liquide it dissolves hence making a chemical change.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

definition of physical change

Physical change is when something changes the shape, size or colour And may be used to do
something different. For example if you crush a tissue box it goes through physical change.   

After watching the video I learned that some changes are not physical. Instead of changing and still
being the same things they change completely.                                                                                                                                                                   

Friday, 17 April 2020


Change is to become or do something different.

In other words,when time goes by how a surface, season, day ect undergoes difference.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

lock down shape riddles (can do)

Shape riddles

  1. I have 8 corners and 8 sides. I stop people on the road. WHO AM I?
  2. I have 1 face and no sides or edges. I go TIK TOK WHO AM I?
  3. I have 4 edges, 2 faces and 4 corners. When you look at me I look at you back. WHO AM I?
  4. I have 3 faces and 2 edges. When someone points me at something they can make it levitate. WHO AM I?

lock down maths geometry map of house

lock down speech!!!

Why we shouldn't wear uniforms.


Many kids completely dislike wearing uniforms. Don’t you agree with them. As a Principal it's your duty to make YOUR students happy - right? We shouldn’t wear uniforms because kids don't find them comfortable, it can be expensive for some people and they don’t let kids express themselves in a way they like to. I’m here to persuade you that kids shouldn't wear uniforms whatever their parents say.

FIRST paragraph 

Firstly kids will want to have a feel of comfortable clothing. Uniforms can sometimes be hot and muggy while they can also be cold. Jackets don’t provide nearly as much warmth as they should. I’ve seen children wearing jackets on top of jumpers. This can only mean thatEspecially after a freezing swim in the school swimming pool. Uniforms make people want to take it off and change into something way more comfortable. Don't think that this valid reason is the only reason, I’ve still got some more.

SECOND paragraph

Secondly kids should feel unique of what they're wearing to school. Kids should feel comfortable wearing what they're wearing to school,  and be free to wear their choice of clothing and show their pride. Several people say that as kids we should be able to express ourselves because it gives us a feel of different types of clothes. I personally feel that uniforms take away the colourful self of a kid. When we all grow up, we will be wondering what to wear because we care more about our appearance then. All of us children don’t care how we look because - well because we're kids. This is another crucial reason why uniforms should be thrown away.

Third Paragraph

Thirdly school uniforms are expensive to buy. They also waste your parents money. School uniforms are really hard to buy because education is really expensive. Plus the uniforms can be a big sum of money disappearing just like that. Imagine what would happen if you have siblings.  But if you wear your own clothes your parents don’t even need to waste any money. And your parents can even save up so much money that they can buy you things that you want.But if you have a uniform it is not possible to get what you want. School uniforms sometimes even torch children. But if you wear your own clothes you feel more comfortable. This is yet another very important reason.


In conclusion, in NZ public schools, students should not be forced to wear uniforms. This is because they take away a student's feel of individuality, they do not allow for self- expression, and they do not save some families any money... 
I hope I changed your minds and that you will make hundreds of kids smile by letting them be wild and free and most importantly unique. 

A memorable moment of making a cake in lock down.

My Beyblade FLASH(descriptive writing)

Descriptive writing 
(my beyblade toy)

My beyblade setup, f.l.a.s.his UNBEATABLE. Whenever you launch it into the arena it falls to the floor, like a pearl dropping onto a puddle of water with delicacy. Completely demolishing everything in its sight. “ZOOM!” “BING!” “VSHOOO!” The scene of when the FLASH is in battle is similar to the one where a Peregrine falcon trying to catch up to a cheetah. FLASH being the cheetah and the Peregrine falcon being its RIVAL. FLASH never ever loses an opportunity to add another win in its grip. When launched, the blade bounces in the arena planning its attack. Then it zooms round the ring with ease scraping out bits of colour. After warming up the unbeatable beast HITS the side of the arena for two reasons, one being to showcase or BOAST its stamina and two being to pounce on its RIVAL just like its hero slash inspiration; THE CHEETAH. Whenever FLASH is engraved in battle it always rains fresh spring water. Even if the arena is inside, SUCH is the GREATNESS of Flash. The energy layer of FLASH is its pride and soul. Gleaming with brightness the blade contains a scarlet red base with a BOLT and three stripes of gold engraved in the middle. No one can be prouder with this SPECTACLE of a beyblade.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

BY Max Brooks
Character description

Cubical shaped body, pixelated clothes and  broad chested body.
Inquisitive, regretful, stubborn, Thoughtful and a deep thinker. 

The character from THE ISLAND was an inquisitive man. He had a rather cubical body, wore pixelated clothes and had a broad chested body. He was also rather stubborn, which naturally led him to make mistakes and he regretted everyone of them. Thankfully he had his good side to him and was often thoughtful and was a deep thinker.