Thursday, 11 April 2019

  • Conch common name medium to large size shells.
  • Used as wind instruments.
  • Auspicious symbol in Hindu culcher.
  • Believed to get rid of negative energy  when blown.
  • It is believed to cure diseases.
  • Can hear the ocean when held next to ear.
  • Healing the hole in the ozone layer is believed.
  • Positive vibrations
  • Courage determination hope optimism will power etcetera in the blower as well as those around him.   


                                     My taonga/treasure

My treasure is a sea shell. Not any ordinary sea shell, it is a conch. My grandmother gave it to me. We have had it for the last 6 years. It is white in colour and it looks so perfect that it almost looks machine made. It is also really smooth!

Why is it special?
The conch is a really special treasure to my family and I for many reasons. Firstly, it is a really sacred symbol in Hindu culture. One of the reasons I think it is cool is because it is believed to heal the hole in the ozone layer.  It is also special because it sends out positive vibrations like, courage, determination, hope and optimism for the blower and those around him. It is also believed to send positive vibrations and to cure diseases.

By Vivaan



  1. I even have a shell like that but mys bigger.

  2. Well done Vivaan. Next time can you please workon describing your toanga
