Thursday, 11 April 2019

  • Conch common name medium to large size shells.
  • Used as wind instruments.
  • Auspicious symbol in Hindu culcher.
  • Believed to get rid of negative energy  when blown.
  • It is believed to cure diseases.
  • Can hear the ocean when held next to ear.
  • Healing the hole in the ozone layer is believed.
  • Positive vibrations
  • Courage determination hope optimism will power etcetera in the blower as well as those around him.   


                                     My taonga/treasure

My treasure is a sea shell. Not any ordinary sea shell, it is a conch. My grandmother gave it to me. We have had it for the last 6 years. It is white in colour and it looks so perfect that it almost looks machine made. It is also really smooth!

Why is it special?
The conch is a really special treasure to my family and I for many reasons. Firstly, it is a really sacred symbol in Hindu culture. One of the reasons I think it is cool is because it is believed to heal the hole in the ozone layer.  It is also special because it sends out positive vibrations like, courage, determination, hope and optimism for the blower and those around him. It is also believed to send positive vibrations and to cure diseases.

By Vivaan


Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Bison horns - Your bison horns, unlike deer and elk antlers, are made of a substance similar to hair. They are also slow-growing and permanent. They grow in yearly "rings" which indicate age.

Asian elephant ears - Do bigger ears mean better hearing? In this case, yes. Your Asian elephant ears can hear other elephants miles away by feeling for vibrations.

Anaconda snake tongue - Now you can smell with your tongue! Your forked anaconda tongue collects odor molecules from the air and brings them back to tiny grooves in the roof of your mouth, letting you "taste" the air.

Nurse shark fins - You can use your nurse shark fins to rest in the shallow water during the day, so you're ready to hunt the sea floor at night. That means you're a nocturnal hunter.

Chilean flamingo wings - Your Chilean flamingo wings have dark feathers on their underside. Males use them in courtship displays by flapping their wings to make black flashes that attract the ladies. Ooh la la!

Peacock male tail - Your peacock tail feathers can grow to be 60 inches long. Each feather has what looks like an eye on it. They help scare away other animals that might want to eat you.

While I was walking through the forest, minding my own business, I stumbled across the most bizarre creature. I was about to turn back and  run but I didn't because I figured that the creature was friendly.

I examined the being closely. The first thing I noticed was its light pink, skinny tongue that took centre stage on the boys face.  It was really similar to a giant anaconda snake tongue, in fact I think it was... an anaconda tongue!

The second thing I examined was also really plain to see, and according to my research, they were the ears of an African elephant.  Huge grey ears of an African elephant.

Strangely enough, all of these parts of animals looked like they were ripped off the bodies of animals and put onto a human boy’s body because they were the same colour and size as the original creatures.

The creature also had hairy, grey bison horns. Apparently… the horns were also used to indicate how old the bison was but in this case how old the being is.

Moving onto the next feature. This body part is actually quite strange, it's a nurse shark fin.  Now why is this so strange? Well, it’s because sharks live in the water and I found this creature in the jungle, not in the water. Another reason why it was so strange was because all of its other body parts were from creatures which live on land.

I had to do quite a bit of research to find out what the next body part really was….Chilean flamingo wings! If you don't know what Chilean flamingo wings are, they are basically dark wings which look like they belong to an eagle but actually belong to flamingos.

I was saving the best for last. It was a male peacock tail. I didn't need to do much research on this. The sight was gloriously beautiful especially because it was raining and the wings were wide open.

This extraordinary boy was dancing  with pride. He shook each body part left and right.  It truly was an intense sight!
But suddenly he stopped, something alerted him then he ran like the flash into where the human eyes can't reach.  

BY Vivaan