Tuesday, 19 February 2019

we are learning to write a description from our holiday.

In the gaming room, there were all sorts of spectacular arcade games!  They were mind blowing. However, there were not only a tonne of arcade games but also a huge amount of rides and other types of games.

The gaming room was in a shopping mall, hence there was an immense amount of noise.  People were chattering and laughing, and the arcade games made an array of noises. “Boom, smash, crash, bang, bash.”  People of all ages stood in front of the arcade games and looked determined as they played and focused on winning. Some people looked pleased with themselves as they won their game while other people gave looks of frustration and defeat when they lost.  All colours of the rainbow lit up on the games, making them interesting and exciting to look at.

The aroma of muffins and other bakery items was coming from all directions within the mall. An amazing plastic smell was coming from the bumper cars!  The smell was pleasing and satisfying.

Altogether this place was filled with excitement and delight.

           By  Vivaan  


1 comment:

  1. Your work was delighting to read Vivaan. I like the way that you used excellent adjectives and vocabulary. The next time you write work like this,maybe you could add in some similes .
